After Jam Update

Hey! Thanks a lot to everyone for playing Hungry Gator during the jam, even though the ratings were not super high, it made me happy to see that people actually played my first published game and even leaving review ! Here are the modifications for this After-Jam release:

  • Level Manager Fix : The game was checking next level conditions BEFORE the level was actually updated, which means that if the player reached level 2, the game still considered it was level 1. So for instance in level 2, the variable telling the number of jumps player can do was incremented instead of being incremented later.
  • Sound effects are here: Coming from, I couldn’t do it for the jam version because it would have been against the rules so I decided to do it for the updated version.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day. 🙂


Hungry Gator [Updated Version] 26 MB
89 days ago
Hungry Gator [Updated Version] 25 MB
89 days ago

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